Guo Li Zhuang restaurant is the sort of place where you won't be surprised to find a bone in your soup. The establishment erected it's open sign in 2006, offering all kinds of dishes with animal genitalia as the primary ingredient. Many Chinese believe animal penises increase male potency and do wonders for women’s skin. Word about the anatomical wonders served at the restaurant spread quickly, and there are now four franchised locations throughout Beijing and one in Atlanta’s Chinatown. The name of the restaurant is derived from homophones of the family name of its founder (Guo), the family name of his wife (Li), as well as the nickname of his son (Zhuang) and translates as "the strength inside the pot".

The Guo Li Zhuang plates up private parts of a wide variety of species from testicular delights of the dog, the dork of the donkey and the placenta of the deer, to the trouser snake of the snake and the cock of the cock to name but a few. The dishes include traditional medicinal secrets passed down in the Guo family and are often given poetic names such as
The Essence of the Golden Buddha,
Phoenix Rising,
Jasmine Flowers with 1000 Layers,
Look for the Treasure in the Desert Sand,
Head crowned with a Jade Bracelet, and
Dragon in the Flame of Desire. In addition to the mouth watering genitals, the restaurant also carries such rare delicacies as stewed deer face, sheep foetus in brown garlic sauce, and peacock claws.

So if you're in the neighbourhood and looking for a hot meal with a sex pot, don’t' go South for sushi, go down to Guo Li Zhuang restaurant for a mouth watering meal you can blow your own horn about later. Also, just in case you were wondering, none of the five locations have a head chef called Wang.
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