In the news recently, the UN has plans to nominate an astrophysicist from Malaysia to act as Earths official "first contact" for any aliens we may have contact with.
Here's a paraphrased version of what Stephen Hawkings has to say about extra terrestrials in his new documentary series:
"With the universe made up of some 100 billion galaxies each containing hundreds of millions of stars, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. To make contact with alien races is a little too risky. A visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans. We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."
So there you go, don't talk to strangers. Especially if they come from another planet.
But lets not forget the Wow! signal.

Why is it that no one is seeing the big picture and connecting the dots. At the very moment the Wow signal was received, Elvis Presley was sitting in a dentist's chair being treated for a toothache. Presley returned home from his appointment and died the following morning. Obviously, the Wow signal was received by his fillings, and was a message for him to come home.
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